
Las Vegas Cat Hospital

Answers Your Top 6 Cat Vaccination Questions


#1: What exactly are cat vaccinations?

Pet vaccines protect your cat against highly contagious and deadly diseases, including rabies, feline leukemia and distemper. Vaccinating your cat has long been one of the best ways to protect your cat against illness. There are different vaccines for different illnesses; many of these vaccines are available in a combination shot, which makes vaccinating your cat easy and affordable. Las Vegas cat vaccines prepare your cat’s immune system to fight the invasion of disease-causing organisms. Introducing a vaccine into your cat’s body will mildly stimulate your cat’s immune system. This mild response will not make your cat sick, but it will prepare your cat to fight off future illnesses.

#2: How important are cat vaccinations to my cat’s health?

Vaccines are very important to the health of your cat. Cats, like dogs and humans, are susceptible to many contagious illnesses. However, not every cat needs to be vaccinated against every disease. For example, indoor cats may only need to receive the core vaccination series. Outdoor cats, however, are more likely to encounter illness and should be fully vaccinated, if the cat goes outdoors even in the backyard, they should be vaccinated for feline leukemia. Your veterinarian will make vaccine recommendations based on your cat’s overall health.

#3: What are core cat vaccinations?

Core vaccines are cat vaccinations that are considered vital to your cat’s health. These vaccines are determined by the American Association of Feline Practitioners. The following are core vaccines: panleukopenia (feline distemper), feline calicivirus, feline herpes virus type I (rhinotracheitis) and rabies. Depending on your cat’s lifestyle, however, other vaccinations may be necessary to prevent illness. Talk to your veterinarian to learn more.

#4: Are any cat vaccinations required by law?

In the state of Nevada, all cats are required to be vaccinated against rabies. Kittens should typically be vaccinated by four months of age; this vaccination is good for one year. Subsequently, vaccinations can be administered every one or three years, depending on the vaccination manufacturer’s guidelines.

#5: How often should my cat be vaccinated? 

Your cat may need to be vaccinated every one or three years, depending on the vaccine manufacturer’s requirements. Kittens, however, should receive the kitten shot series as soon as they are weaned from their mother’s milk. Kittens receive initial vaccination protection from this milk. However, after they are weaned and their immune systems are still developing, they are at risk for contracting deadly diseases. The kitten shot series typically begins at 8 to 10 weeks of age and will be administered in three or four week intervals until a cat reaches 16 weeks of age.

#6: Are there any risks associated with vaccines?

Immunizations, while generally safe, may cause an allergic reaction in some cats. While the risk for this reaction is extremely low, a reaction is possible. Pet owners should look for the following symptoms immediately following vaccination: fever, sluggishness, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, swelling or redness at the vaccination site, and lameness. If you think your cat is having a reaction to a vaccination, immediately contact your veterinarian.

For information on Low-Cost Pet Vaccinations visit

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